Base of Operations


The 25 feeder answers can be grouped into 5 groups of 5 answers that belong to a category. Each meta puzzle uses the 5 answers from one of those categories. They are:

Tennis RacketLaundryUpright TriforceLightning BoltBlack Down-Pointing TriangleX-Ray symbols
SupportSwitchesCom­passionMicro­controllerRevolverKTANEy words that contain other KTANEy words
ResistorsPlumbingConnection CheckPokerCrackboxModules that have a button labeled “CHECK”
Auth­enticityConscien­tiousnessCouragePatienceThought­fulnessElements of Harmony from Friendship
StudyLead PipePeacockLoungeMiss ScarlettMurder

This puzzle uses the first group of answers. The letters Z, E, N, G, A can be replaced with the X-Ray symbols represented by the solutions to Zigzag, Easy as $#*&, Nibbles, Graph Paper, and Abstract Art. Then each pair of symbols can be looked up in the table in the X-Ray manual, giving a digit. For the first half of the symbols, the default rule seed of 1 is used, while the second half requires rule seed 2, which uses different symbols. The string of digits obtained, 13455542435512, can be converted from base 6 to base 30 as hinted by the little cube below the table as well as the puzzle’s title, to obtain the solution.